If you're writing about rugby get The Roar or G&GR to throw you a few bucks. You aren't just some random punter so worth it from their POV. Even if it's just a hundred bucks for 1000 words. The Roar would also do some editing on it as well!

Right now with inflation and cost of living it could be hard to get people to fork out for a subscription. Would Kofi or something similar work where people can support with one off donations when they can as well as a sub if they can afford it?

In terms of what I'd expect from paid content is (a) regular schedule of publications and (b) a good active discussion thread including yourself. You already do (b) but you'd need to figure out your content plan. E.g. Monday is the "Weekend Dump", Wednesday is a shifting topic week to week and Friday is "Check Out" to reflect on the week gone and weekend ahead.

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Cheers Huw and writing for them is something I'm considering. Totally agree re cost of living and will always keep the stuff I write about mental health free. Also agree re figuring out a content plan. Think I'll keep Rugby related stuff for a friday (close to the weekend) and write about more serious stuff during the week. Thanks for the ideas!

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You writing about rugby, could be the voice that helps lead the sport out of the doldrums!

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Lol! Same for you with Ultras except it aint in the doldrums!

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Do it.

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