Giving is Living - Morrie Schwartz

I listened to Tuesdays with Morrie on Sunday. I very vaguely remember watching the movie in high school (for Religion I'm pretty sure). That was his mantra and he gave right up until his death at age 78.

He died in 1995 and spoke to Mitch (ex student and book author) about society valuing the wrong things (money, power, status) and the culture we live in negatively impacts our health. The scary part is, nothing has changed since then, in fact I think it's gotten worse. (Just have to look and the mental health and poverty crisis)

It's people like you Ben that can inspire others to give and make a difference, shift the culture and improve health and well-being.

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That’s too kind Clare and couldn’t agree more that our values is making us sick.

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Hoo bloody roo!

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Thank you for the share Ben! I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and am incredibly proud of your mission! I look forward to joined Running For Resilience when I am back at Christmas xoxo

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Thanks Jessie! See you soon!

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Finding those intrinsic motivations is always better than extrinsic. Winning a rugby match in front of 80,000 people might be success but the real success is what you’re talking about now, helping others, being with friends and living a fulfilling life 😃

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100% Intrinsic > Extrinsic

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I’ve never wanted to visit The Dock more than after reading this. I’d love to make a Running for Resilience night. The comment about time spent relaxing, hanging out, and connecting with friends without “writing it off” is what I say makes the best kind of pub. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks mate and we’d love to see you Running/Walking 4 Resilience when your ready!

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Make to do lists ; achievable projects. Focus.

I’m still going to have that drink with you at The Dock.

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I can’t wait! Go Wallabies!

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Nor can I . I hope they run the fat bastards around!

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Sep 20, 2023
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Thank you Leon and I hope your faith in me is not misplaced.

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