What’s helped me with my mental health struggles most, was realising that I can’t help anyone with theirs until I sort my own out first.
Which is great motivation because I want to help others feel good.
But too often I write these blogs to help readers, when I should just be focusing on myself.
Sporting achievements have been the main source of pride in my life.
But now I’m retired and my body is aging, I want to be proud of the stuff I create with my mind.
And making the transition to a career that uses my brain instead of my body has been tough.
Not because I’m not smart.
But because my mind is cluttered and rushes.
Things I’ve realised by writing, and I was in a bad way when I started this blog.
My writing was all over the place and would jump from topic to topic.
Signs of a cluttered mind that’s in a rush.
But after 3+ years of writing weekly, I’m writing and feeling much better.
I’ve done heaps of work reflecting on the root causes of my issues, but I still have a ways to go to change the habits they caused.
Habits that are causing my mind to become full and rush like:
absorbing too much content
not saying no to things and managing my calendar well
not making time to disconnect, empty my brain, and recharge
Taking in too much info was a coping mechanism. Getting overwhelmed from not saying no was from people pleasing. And not making time to recharge was just stupid.
But thanks to writing, I’m now more aware when I start doing any of these, which means I’m catching myself earlier when I start going off track.
This is my last post for a while as it’s time for a break, and next week, my wife and I are heading to the Rugby World Cup to celebrate our 10-year anniversary.
I’m determined to not take my laptop or think about work.
I just want to be present and celebrate 10 years of being married to an incredible woman.
A woman who’s stood by me through thick and thin.
Can’t wait.
Finally, big thanks to
for inspiring me with his weekly reflections and honesty.Been so great following your journey from an addict to an incredible dad and writer.
Keep it up.
"Taking in too much info was a coping mechanism" - It's this one, for me. Don't have to deal with the tough stuff if you can keep yourself busy enough with meaningless shit. But if your mind is full of meaningless shit your life as a whole will start to reflect that!
Thanks for the shout out, mate. It means so much to me, knowing that something I've written has inspired another person ton take positive action. I honestly never think that it will, I just hope it does.
My trip away in August with limited phone and computer access was amazing! First time I've ever done it and hands down the best trip I have ever been on. Enjoy, mate.
Great post. You are spot on. Have a great time in France. Go slow; kick back; just chill.