I reckon you've 'nailed it!' with the hammer analogy, mate.

Your intentions are right, you know this works, your providing a great tool for people to use how they wish to use it. I think to a degree people need to be responsible for themselves in regards to triggers. People know you talk about Alfred and Mental Health. I do the same. No one is forcing anyone to do anything, and while we never ever want to even accidentally cause anyone any harm, we believe in what we are doing and believe it is a good thing. I think by outlining the measures you've put in place to prevent people from misusing the app you've made your intentions perfectly clear.

There's far more dangerous content out there for people with eating disorders to stumble across, mate. You're doing a good thing, for a lot of people. You can't afford to let your fear of potentially triggering someone slow your momentum when you're helping so many more people. You don't even know for sure that you have ever triggered anybody. But you do know for sure that you have helped people. Focus on them!

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Thanks mate. I've been totally overthinking this issue. Time to crack on!

PS: I can't commend you enough for your latest blog. Inspiring stuff.

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We simply can not help everyone, sadly. You’re helping the majority though.

Thanks heaps mate. Starting to feel like I’m gaining a slight bit of momentum in terms of sorting my head.

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Ben you and Alfred are positive influences in the "dieting" culture. I love how much thought you've put into it. People can take dieting too far and I think social media and media in general have a lot to answer for. As a consumer I see the fitness marketing being targeted to women to lose weight and for men to bulk up as opposed to being fit, healthy and the best versions of ourselves. Like most things in life, people want to do whatever is going to get them the quickest result. This isn't just for weight loss, but for athletic goals, business goals, family goals. We become so focused on getting to the end result that we fast forward through the process of getting there, not realising that the process is the most important part and where we actually grow the most.

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Thanks Clare. Coming from a sporting background, I'm shocked at how brainwashed people are by toxic diet culture and trying to help people enjoy and not be afraid of their favourite food is what I'm trying to do.

Totally agree we become too focused on the goal, and not on the process required to achieve the goal, which usually comes from doing the basics consistently right.

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"But on the other hand, I worry about upsetting people who could be triggered by me saying how I’ve done a loose form of calorie counting for 8 years and believe it’s great."

I have been a yoyo dieter for a long time, have done some horrific diets to get down from 140kg to where I am now at about 113kg. I think the message Alfred has and after using it for the past week is an incredibly positive one, and anyone who gets triggered by that above statement I don't think understands the purpose and vision of what you're trying to achieve.

I think in the past week tracking everything even if it's not 100% on the dot, but giving me a rough idea of what I'm eating has helped me immensely, I haven't weighed myself but I have a much better appreciation for the food I'm eating and how it correlates to my training. I've had a much more broader and balanced diet as a result, I think this is the future of 'diet culture' not necessarily being on a diet, but having a core understanding that you can eat a variety of foods you love in moderation and be a much happier person as a result. I haven't felt this level of food freedom in a long, long time.

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"I haven't felt this level of food freedom in a long, long time." - I can't tell you how awesome it is to read this mate.

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It's been huge. Think I've only had one day where I had 130%. But that wasn't even binging it was the day before double run day and I felt amazing on that day. Changed my mindset and relationship completely!

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Why do you think your mindset and relationship with food has changed?

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I used to just attach it to emotions, if I was sad I would eat, if I needed to celebrate something I would eat. Now I'm viewing it as a balanced diet is actually helping my running. So they go hand in hand, and because I'm getting healthier eating all the foods I still love I don't feel so bad when I have a pizza or KFC on the odd occasion.

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Hi Ben - I think your intentions are admirable and I totally support sustainable weight loss. I initially was using Alfred to lose some kilos sustainably and was succeeding but when I went through a period of grief I found my appetite vanished and my weight went into free fall. Knowing how unhealthy it was to lose weight that quickly I then changed how I was using Alfred. I used Alfred to focus my attention on how little I was eating and how measure how much I needed to consume to have the energy I needed and to stabilise the weight loss. I am at my ideal weight now and I still use Alfred most days to make sure I don't fall into the trap of under eating.

If I am out and eating socially I don't track but on the days when I am exercising and working a lot it focusses my attention on healthy eating. I wouldn't want to be locked out of Alfred just because of my starting weight or because I don't need to lose weight as I still get so much benefit from tracking without worrying about "calorie counting". I find Alfred so easy to use and the right balance for tracking to eat healthily without becoming compulsive about every last calorie.

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Thanks Anne-Marie and I want to help people who under eat just as much as the ones who over eat, as I think (for whatever reason) very few people are eating optimally. Just gotta figure out how to communicate to everyone that Alfred is about having energy everyday, not about losing weight.

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Brilliant article BA. Incredible efforts you’ve gone to in ensuring Alfred is used for the purpose in which it was designed. Really impressive!

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Cheers Doc!

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