2021 was the most draining year of my life, and when New Years Eve rolled around, I hit rock bottom and felt like my “life battery” was empty.
I’d had high hopes for 2021, but with the pandemic impacting the Dock for a 2nd year, coupled with Grandpa’s death and failing to achieve the goals I’d set for Alfred, led me to burning out to a level that I’d never experienced.
I’ve burnt out before and I thought I’d been coping with all the uncertainty well, but turns out I wasn’t, and after hitting rock bottom I knew something had to change. I needed some stability, which meant it was time to get a real job and for Alfred to hum along in the background. I’d been so focused on making Alfred succeed that I never stop to consider what I’d do if it didn’t work out, and I didn’t know where to start.
The one bright light of 2021 was joining the Brumbies board, and after a few conversations with fellow board member Christa Gordon, I’m now at KPMG doing Change Management and really enjoying it. I must admit that I didn’t really know what KPMG did, but turns out they do a lot more than accounting!
The people are awesome, the office is incredible (see video), and learning about the nature of change and how to support people through it is exactly what I’m trying to do with Alfred (but in a health and fitness context).
Now that my energy is back, things starting to kicking off again with Alfred, and I’m going to try to blog each week, or at least every fortnight, and I want thank you for your patience and for reading my blogs over the past few years.
I’ve really appreciated the encouragement and support, as writing has become a therapy of sorts as it makes me feel “lighter” and love how its forcing me to organise my thoughts which helps me to communicate them clearly. Something I haven’t done well in the past, and the big reason why Alfred nearly went under in 2019.
Over the next bit, I’ll write about what’s happening with Alfred and Rugby, as I’ve got some thoughts about where it’s heading… which is finally in a positive direction!
Thanks again for reading and UP THE BRUMBIES!!!!!
Hi Ben Thanks for sharing your story and about life energy when the battery is low! I know that feeling and resetting and reframing is important. we are thrilled to have you at KPMG - a big change and a different dynamic but I know you will put the work in the benefits will come :) Being adaptive is the skill set you are working hard at and it will stand you in good stead! #gobrumbies
Just tremendous Ben - both the story you’re sharing and your skill as a writer and story-teller in such an important and oft cliche filled space. Means a great deal to many of us, Best, Kate & Clare Carnell.