I’m not a huge fan of rules. But I’m quite partial to a good law, including:
Preto’s Law - Roughly 80% of results come from 20% of the effort.
Moore’s law - Computer power roughly doubles every two years.
Benton‘s law - “If everything is important then nothing is important”
And recently I read about Cunningham‘s law which made me laugh because of how true it is.
It states: "The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer".
This resonated because I’ve often turned to Twitter for answers by asking questions.
I often get many responses (some more thoughtful than others) but as Cunningham’s Law states, I should instead just share my opinion on something publicly.
Then if I’m wrong, someone will read it and comment in an attempt to improve my thinking and help me learn.
And I thought it was so insightful that it got me thinking… “What Alexander‘s Law would be?”
And after some thought, it’s:
“Those who track their energy will have more of it”
You won’t need to have read my blog for long to know that I’ve been tracking my exercise, sleep and nutrition for years.
And I do it because it helps me make better decisions about those things, which makes me feel great.
And my definition of “feeling great” is having lots of energy.
Anyways, a short one this week because I was sick recently and it robbed me of some writing time and energy.
Read of the week
The Rise of Anti Dopamine parenting
This caught my eye and was a great read because I’ve often struggled with things that give me a quick hit of dopamine. Something I don’t want to pass on to my daughters.
Thanks for reading.
Going forward I’m going to start posting on Thursdays to give me more time each week to organise my thoughts, and hopefully write better stuff.
And before you go… I’d love to know if have a favourite law?
I love a good law.
One that pops to mind is “everything reverts to the mean”. It can be interpreted as another saying “this too shall pass”.
Everything good is finite, everything bad is finite, so lean into the good and be grateful for it, and lean into the bad and learn from it.
Parkinson's Law:
"Parkinson's Law is the adage that work will expand to fill the time allotted for its completion".
Which is why I think the 4 day work week is possible and a good idea!