Fresh bench is having a huge impact as we have tired players coming up against fresh ones. They need to go back to only coming off for injury. How you manage that is another question but potentially all injuries result in you have a min 1 week off.

We also need to reduce high performance at such an early age

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Yeah, not sure how you’d police it and couldn’t agree more about rescuing high performance at early ages, like Norway. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sports/sports-columnists/story/2022-07-20/zeigler-norway-youth-sports-track-field-world-athletics-championships-eugene-karsten-warholm

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Need to also change the mindset of young people. Ive had a few young adults in their early 20s who rule themselves out of making it in their chosen sport because they're "too old". Thats when I tell them the story about Bongo 💪.

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Yep! Especially in Rugby Union! Forwards don't really hit their straps until their late 20s early 30s

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Way ahead, and feel Australia is heading down the American path and attitude towards sport.

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Great question Ben! The issue with concussion is the myth that you have to have a knock to the head to be concussed. But any action that results in acceleration followed by deceleration results in risk of the brain moving inside the head. NFL had similar issues when they changed their contact rules to make the game safer. I think we need to educate the spectators so that EVERYONE understands Concussion and the long term effects. We need to ask ourselves how would we feel if it happen to us or someone we loved.

Red cards are not the solution, especially when accidents are being red carded. Tackler has committed to the tackle, ball runner moves a fraction, tackler is now too high but also doesnt have enough time to change their body position. Referees need to look at the INTENT when deciding what punishment fits.

There are calls to reduce contact during training, but Im not sure if that's rhe answer either. Less contact = less preparedness for contact when it occurs. As we saw with the number of contact injuries that happened in contact sports after competitions resumed in 2020.

Teach tackle technique early, get kids doing strength training as soon as they are able. Educate to stamp out malicious play. Rugby is a game of skill and physicality not hurting other people. If a player seems to be overly aggressive beyond the scope of contact required in rugby, what else does that player have going on? Are they angry about something? Are they struggling with something outside of rugby? Were they at the receiving end of foul play and want payback?

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Unfortunately Clare players who are incredibly physical and bash other players (within the rules) are highly regarded at international level regardless if they have stuff going on in the background. Bakkies Botha was much loved in South Africa, and Dan Vickerman was the most physical player I even played with, but I wonder if that was some how linked to him taking his life.

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I have heard stories of "angry teens" being encouraged to play a contact sport to manage/control their anger and frustration. My hope going forward is that people will ask, why are you angry/frustrated? Get to the root of the problem rather than bandaid fix.

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Biggest long term issue facing the sport as the approach WR takes could impact the fundamental nature of the game.

Initially, and perhaps naively, I asked how come combat sports like MMA and boxing don't have this issue? I mean they have long term brain damage (see Muhammed Ali) but they don't seem to have this big legal threat hanging over their heads. What is wrong it WR just asking players to accept the risk whilst making some sensible steps to protect players.

The more I've read/heard about this hasn't helped answer that question if I'm honest. Yes concussion can have serious long term health problems but given the nature of the game head injury is inevitable, even if it's not intended like boxing. What degree of risk is acceptable? Have we got the right balance already? Ultimately the only safe game of rugby is the one that isn't played so it's a matter of accepting some level of risk. Where that is I don't know!

What I do know though is that cards for "accidental" and even incidental head contact haven't helped the spectacle of the game. I would like serious discussion for moving to an "on report" system with extensive bans and fines for all but the most egregious of foul play like eye gouging, punching, and swinging arm tackles etc. Basically the intentional foul play which is actually very very rare. I'm pretty sure 8 weeks off and a 10,000 fine for a red card worthy offence that went "on report" is enough incentive to change behaviour!!

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MMA does have that issue, but the risks are well known and accepted, and I think the full risks of playing rugby are now well know too. Growing up I was only concerned about breaking my neck, but think Rugby has done a great job making scrums safer, and hopefully they’ll do the same around head knocks without trashing the game as a spectacle.

Ps: I lol’d at the “the only safe game of rugby is the one that isn’t played” line and reminds of what grandpa use to say: “Ben... the time for safety is all the time” 😂

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Heartbreaking about Carl - NZ journo Dylan Cleaver spoke to him and penned a poignant piece on it late last year - https://dylancleaver.substack.com/p/carl-hayman-doesnt-want-to-forget

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Cheers mate! Great piece and stay tuned...

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Rugby needs to get back to being an evasion game and trying to minimise contact instead of running into brick walls.

I don't mind the red cards as it makes more space on the pitch and generally can lead to more tries.

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I agree about the space red cards open up. But I feel for teams who spent years preparing for big matches, only for the tiniest accident to be red carded which massively influences the outcome.

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A question as opposed to a comment. How are players with concussion currently managed/treated?

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If there’s any signs of concussion, the player is removed from field for a 10min check up, and won’t return if they are/where concussed.

Then there’s a minimum 1 week stand down period (I think) with a strict “return to play” protocol.

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I wondered because I worked in neurosurgery (sometime ago). I do think there is an opportunity to make the return to play protocols stricter as well. Also, not sure 10mins sufficient time if there head been a big head knock. Perhaps if there has been a head blow they should be taken off whether it appears to be concussion or not.

Finally, compulsory head gear doesn’t seem to be unreasonable in a sport that has this much contact and injury.

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Compulsory head gear will not reduce concussions. It could actually increase them purely because the players think they are protected and will go in harder as a result. I think the opposite needs to happen, get rid of helmets and head gear. The purpose I see for headgear is preserving/protecting the players ears, not their brains.

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Yeah, head gears are great for prevents cuts and grazes, but I know loads of guys who had concussions while wearing a headgear. Perhaps the headgear reduced the severity of it?

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MMA does have that issue, but the risks are well known and accepted, and I think the full risks of playing rugby are now well know too. Growing up I was only concerned about breaking my neck, but think Rugby has done a great job making scrums safer, and hopefully they’ll do the same around head knocks without trashing the game as a spectacle.

Ps: I lol’d at the “the only safe game of rugby is the one that isn’t played” line and reminds of what grandpa use to say: “Ben... the time for safety is all the time” 😂

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