I’m going to take a break from blogging and podcasting.
Everything is going great, and there was a time when I needed to write something each week to feel good about myself.
I’m not sure why that was, but it’s no longer the case, as I only want to write this blog when I have time.
Lately I’ve been to rushed to write. So I’ve been sloppily recording audio notes instead that are providing little value to me, and probably none to you.
So, until I’ve settled into my new routine post-moving house, blogging will take a back seat, which I see this as a sign of progress that I’m okay with that.
I no longer need to write. Now I just do it when I want to, and I’ll want to when I’m in a good rhythm.
Because I’ve learned great writing comes from the system/routine that produces it, and I need some time to refine mine.
I hope all is well with you, and see you next month.
Cheers to that!! I’ve had a few posts sitting in my drafts folder for months now because I don’t have the time to finish them. Hopefully I’ll get there soon, but I’d rather do the topics justice than rush them through to publishing. Looking forward to hearing from you when life is less chaotic 🙏🏼💛