Having a mission in retirement keeps me sane, and I love the quote “Nothing calms the mind like a steady purpose”.
My mission is to:
End chronic tiredness and stress.
You don’t have to know me well to know that I hate being run down. That’s because I stress heaps and my thoughts get dark when my energy is low.
On the flip side, I love how my brain works when my energy is high and learned that, with work, my energy levels are within my control.
I’ve never hit a new year’s goal and didn’t achieve last year’s because I was scattered from letting too much get on my plate.
But I’m going to set one for 2024 anyway, and my goal for the year that will help me make progress on my mission is to:
Help 10,000 people recharge and feel great.
How will I do it:
Mostly by writing, help
(R4R) grow, and find an Alfred co-founder who share’s my passions for health and helping others.How will they help?
Helping R4R get bigger is obvious, but I think writing will help most as it will get me to refine and share my thoughts. And now that Alfred is paused, I have more bandwidth and feel free to say what I really think about the fitness industry, and why so many people are struggling with their health.
Also, sharing my thoughts in the public will attract like-minded people, and increase the chances I cross paths with someone who’s keen to join me on this mission.
It will also help me prepare for presentations I’m going to do about energy management, with the goal of doing 12 this year. I already have one booked for late Jan, which is a great first step.
How will I track my progress?
Finding a co-founder is straight forward. But aside from tracking R4R attendance, how many subscribers I have to my blog, and how many people I do my energy management presentation too, I’m not 100% sure.
Anyways, sharing this in hope you might be able to help. Plus I’d love to know what your mission is.
Happy new year.
You aren’t retired! You stopped playing rugby. So did I .
Have you thought about additional formal study ?
I went back to university this year to do a Juris Doctor at UC . I’m loving it and I’m nearly old !
I say just try to be as tough as possible!