The How’d they do it? interview series is designed to share the tips and tricks of how members of the Alfred community lost weight.
This week, we chatted with Matt Breen, Dad, and founder of Running 4 Resilience, to share how dropping kegs frees up his mental bandwidth and helps him be a great Dad.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I've got a 2 year old boy and twin daughters! I work for the Snow Foundation, which is a unique and rewarding role, and I'm the founder of Running for Resilience. I love sports and being part of communities.
Why did you want to lose weight?
Since the birth of my twins, a switch was flicked with preserving and maximising my energy. I pride myself on being a great Dad and Husband, and I can't be that if I'm low on energy. So losing a few kilos and being more mindful of what I was eating became important.
From your heaviest, how much weight have you lost?
10 years ago I tipped the scales at about 107kg but most recently, before the birth of my girls, I was 98kg.
Now, I'm walking around at 90kg and feel great. I feel like I've got some more weight loss in me, but slow and steady wins the race.
Was there anything holding you back from losing weight in the past?
At the crux of it all, discipline is the main reason. Why there's was a lack of discipline? I'm not too sure... but now that I've got a pretty good motivator and I can't get away with a lack of discipline.
One of the things we’re trying to do at Alfred is to help people take control of their health. What’s been the biggest change to your health you’ve noticed from losing weight?
The extra bandwidth between the ears. I've never had less time to do things, but I've never been more productive. The combination of a physically better brain as well as less head noise about being 'overweight' is fantastic.
What’s your favourite meal?
This has changed dramatically since the birth of my girls. Before, I would love a Schnitzel, Pizza, or Burger... but now that I prioritise how a meal makes me feel. Now my favourite meal is a big bowl of Oats with Honey & Cinnamon.
How often do you have it?
I have it every day for lunch (the first meal of the day for me) and it not only fills me up, but I also enjoy it. But perhaps most importantly, it gives me sustainable energy.
If you could go back, what would you tell yourself at the beginning of your weight loss journey?
I probably wouldn't listen, but I would tell myself to make smaller changes that could be maintained consistently. The peak and trough dieting/exercise routine is tiring.
Thanks Matt! Well said.
If you’d like to share your story, please get in touch here.