Last weekend, my blog turned 4.
I started it to improve my communication during the first lockdown, and while I’ve had many topic changes trying to figure out how writing fits into my life, I’ve settled on my blog being a place for me to experiment with a more private audience versus looking like an idiot oversharing on social media.
Basically, it’s going to be a more private place to share personal stuff instead of LinkedIn and Twitter, where most of my writing will go.
Long-time readers will know I’ve written about a ton of different stuff, from the challenges of retiring, career transitions, depression, rugby, and more.
But I’m keen to narrow my focus, and the topic I want to write about most is energy management because it aligns most with my mission— help people feel great. It’s a mission I find meaningful and helps replace the excitement of playing rugby.
I’m just finding my writing voice and couldn’t be more excited for the next 4 years of writing as I share what I’ve learned about the body during my sporting career and the mind in retirement.
Finally, if you’ve read this far, thank you.
It’s your support and encouragement through all my experimenting and tough times that have kept me writing. And the private emails I get from some of you saying what I wrote has helped in some way is the best.
So happy birthday blog, and thanks again for reading.
Happy birthday! Love the blog - keep em coming! 🎉 🎂